by Chrysa Smith

Give us this day our cranberry bread?

Far be it for me to suggest that cranberry bread has any religious significance. And no, I am not part of some ridiculous berry-eating cult. But I say what I do because this delicious recipe for cranberry bread comes to us compliments of a Jesuit priest.

What is it about religous orders and food? I mean there are the Trappist Monks with their historic recipe for fruitcake; http://http//, Christian Brothers ‘spirits’ (no pun intended),http://http// Briggitine Brothers with famous fudge (ala, Bon Appetit and Town & Country magazine), There are Amish with their shoofly and whoopie pies. Some orders of nuns bake bread for use in church services. Lay people bake breads and other confections for church bake sales. And rugelach, blintzes and challah bread are in abundant supply come the Jewish holidays (not a religious order, but a kosher bakery favorite is Irene’s in Bensalem, PA;

I guess it’s just that food goes with celebrations, traditions, remembrances, and while we can chat about the brandy, jams, candies from those providers from up above (no pun intended)this bread recipe is certainly memorable. Perhaps the secret is the combination of fruit flavors: cranberries, apricots, orange juice and zest along with the walnuts. It’s moist, slightly sweet and dense–and it’s been oh so good for breakfast.
Here’s the link to the recipe, from The Secrets of Jesuit Breakmaking