My husband and I were lying in bed this morning.
He turned on the news (first mistake), and here went our commentary:
Reporter: The Madison Wisconsin Senators are still hiding out in Illinois….
Mark (Husband): They should all be fired.
Chrysa: Well, they were hired to represent the people; in good times and bad. What kind of example is that? To leave town when the going gets rough?
Reporter: Brigham Young University cut a key player for breaking the school’s honor code: i.e., having premarital sex…..
Chrysa: That’s an interesting prerequisite for a college age kid. How can you enforce that?
Mark: Well, it depends on who’s breaking the code. Not everyone would get cut you know.
Reporter: Charlie Sheen reached a custody agreement with ex wife Brooke Mueller…..
Mark: Sure, I bet she’s getting a nice jump in her monthly payments now
Chrysa: Hmmm, I thought she was just covering her …….if anyone asked her ‘Where has the mother been while Charlie was playing dad with the kids and goddesses?’ Do you think it was all about the money?
Reporter: Gas prices have gone up 20 cents in the last week…….
Mark: And have you heard one single plan about what we’re going to do about it?
Chrysa: Only from Donald Trump, who seems to think we can tell OPEC what to do with their oil.
Chrysa: You know Mark, it’s only 7:30 and we’re beginning to sound like those two old grouchy muppets who sat in the theater commenting on all the ills and negatives of society.
Mark: Eh, I don’t know what our country is doing. I think we’re done.
After a shower and a bite to eat—-
Mark kisses Chrysa goodbye.
Mark: Well, you have a good day.
Chrysa: You too.
Do you sometimes feel like an old man in a balcony? I’ve resorted to sitcom reruns at least once a day to balance the ever-dreadful news reports. How do you de-stress from the chaos of the world?
To She Shell—sand is my favorite place. You’re in good company.
To Anne—-you’re dead on….focus on the positive
I wonder if the world is really any different than it was years ago? Sometimes I think the proliferation of news 24/7 just means we now know everything, not that the world and its ills are worse than in the past.
I do agree that we should take it in small bites and make a difference where we can.
And watching a rerun of the Muppets every once in a while isn’t a bad idea, either!
I don’t watch the news…..I know, I’m burying my head in the sand.
I have to take the news in small bites. Anything longer than 10 or 15 minutes makes me jittery. The news itself is disturbing enough but the hyper-energy in the way it is presented is beyond stressful. How do I cope? Focus, finding personal balance, meditation and just the realization that most of us are good, decent, compassionate, people who are there when and where we can make a differece.