Hilarious Human Truths

Wish I could claim that I wrote it, but I didn't!  An email that was truly worth the "Forward."  Enjoy!Mary FranHuman Truths1. I think part of a best friend's job should be toimmediately clear your computer history if you die.2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argumentwhen you realize you're wrong.3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to napwhen I was younger.4. There is great need for [...]

2018-10-30T09:56:46-04:00October 16th, 2010|2 Comments

On Turning "Gleek"

I'm a sucker for a show tune.As a kid, I never played sports, instead performing in school plays to find a safe haven in my teen years.  So last year, when I heard about a television program that was centered around a high school choir, of course I tuned in.  Now, a full year later, I'll say it loud and I'll say it proud:I'm a "Gleek."Fox television's Glee follows the adventures of a lovable [...]

2018-10-30T09:56:47-04:00October 15th, 2010|2 Comments

The Great Pumpkin

by Chrysa SmithWhen the temperatures dropand the moon rises highIt's time for some pumpkinin bread, cakes & pieSo break out the canned pumpkinor scoop out your gourdfor some fine, festive foodfit for King, Queen or LordI like Libby's boxed bread mixthat's natural and freeof chemical additiveswhere they should not beSo easy to make,even in hastethen make it your ownwith additions to tastePecans and chocolate chipsadd a nice kickdried mango and coconutare my favorite [...]

2018-10-30T09:56:47-04:00October 14th, 2010|2 Comments

Fighting the Good Fight? Eh, Maybe Tomorrow

by Chrysa Smith My mother-in-law is great at discovering bits and pieces of obscure history; especially about women's roles, rights and resistance. So, when she received an email outlining the discrimination, abuse and violence that the woman's suffrage movement encountered some 90+ years ago, she did a little digging. And that digging led her to a movie called Iron Jawed Angels, and a woman named Alice Paul.While I haven't seen the film, I [...]

2018-10-30T09:56:47-04:00October 13th, 2010|4 Comments

Putting it All in Park

A Middle-Aged Woman Laughs at (and Searches for) the Elusive Parking SpaceBy: Mary Fran BontempoI’m not a good traveler.Like many folks, I don’t like to fly. But while mild anxiety may be the norm for most, the mere idea of stepping foot on a plane sends me into a mini panic weeks before the scheduled flight. Mentally, I’m giving away my possessions and entrusting guardianship of the dog every time.It’s not only flying. [...]

2018-10-30T09:56:47-04:00October 12th, 2010|2 Comments
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