My young adult fantasy novel, Two Moon Princess (Tanglewood Press), came out in paperback this week.

Many adults I’ve mentioned this wish me good luck, but they don’t even consider reading my book. They assume they wouldn’t like it because it’s marketed for young adults.

This assumption baffles me. To say a book is Young adult (YA) means teens can read it, but that doesn’t mean an adult cannot enjoy it too. Reading young adult books, I want to tell them, will help you keep in touch with your inner teen. This will not only keep you young but also, if you have teens, will help you connect to them.

I’m an adult and love young adult novels. I don’t think I’m the only one. But it seems to me that many people that like YA novels don’t acknowledge this. I’m not sure why.

There are several reasons that determine whether a book is considered young adult or adult reading. The age of the protagonist, the theme of the book, a requirement for, if not a happy ending, at least some hope at the end are some of these reasons. The quality of the writing and/or strength of the story is not.

Yes, I agree, some young adults books are shallow and poorly written, even those, maybe especially those, that become best sellers. But the same can be said of books aimed at adults.

As Don Marquis puts it: “If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that’s read by persons who move their lips when they’re reading to themselves.”

Two Moon Princess is a realistic fantasy. It is the story of a medieval princess that crosses to modern day California through an arch by the ocean. I love fantasy so it was only natural for me to incorporate some fantasy elements in my story. To my surprise, since my book was first published in 2007, I’ve also realized that many people dismiss fantasy as an inferior genre.

They couldn’t be more wrong. Many bright, interesting people like fantasy. Among them Albert Einstein. Yes, that Einstein, the one with the crazy hair who changed physics with his theory of relativity.

“When I examine myself and my methods of thoughts,” Einstein said, “I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.”

And also, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

And I totally agree with Michael Dirda when he said:

Many readers simply can’t stomach fantasy. They immediately picture elves with broadswords or mighty-thewed barbarians with battle axes, seeking the bejeweled Coronet of Obeisance … (But) the best fantasies pull aside the velvet curtain of mere appearance. … In most instances, fantasy ultimately returns us to our own now re-enchanted world, reminding us that it is neither prosaic nor meaningless, and that how we live and what we do truly matters.

If you need some more convincing you can read the first chapter of Two Moon Princess at:

And whether you agree or disagree with me, please come see me on Friday June 25 from 7 to 9 PM at the Doylestown Bookshop (16 South Main Street, Doylestown, PA 18901, Phone: 215-230-7610). And in the meantime visit me at