Come Join us at Mercer County Community College on 
Thursday, August 12th from 7-9 PM for our informative
Publishing Seminar!
Three Women, Three Authors, Three Approaches to Publishing
 You finally finished “The Great American Novel.” Maybe you’re putting the final  touches on that children’s book you’ve been penning. Perhaps you want to publish your memoirs for posterity. How do you go from typing on your computer to holding the finished book in your hands? Join authors Mary Fran Bontempo, Carmen Ferreiro Esteban and Chrysa Smith in this two-hour seminar as they share their interesting, maddening, but ultimately fulfilling experiences about writing and publishing their books using traditional, print-on-demand, and self-publishing methods.Tuition and fees: $65

We’d love to share our hard-won knowledge with you!  This seminar will give you essential information to help you to get your work published.  

For registration and more information, click on the link below.