by Chrysa Smith
Are you one of the millions who sport an IPhone?
Do you know what to do with it besides make and take phone calls?
OK. So you’re a step up on me. I can play music, retrieve emails and voice messages, and the old fashioned phone calling and answering. But that’s only a fraction of what your phone can do. I knew it, but compliments of the lady in front of me at Michael’s today, I now realize it’s time to step it up just a bit more.
I dashed into the Michael’s store before catching up with MaryFran for a meeting. I just had inspiration from an article I read about using craft paper to cut out your gift tags for packages. How ingenious! So, I ran in to see what they had. And while standing at the check-out line, ribbons and tags in hand, I got to speaking to the 30+ year old in front of me, who just happened to have the ‘Michael’s’ logo on her phone.
When I proceeded to ask, she informed me that she signed up for the Michael’s app, and they automatically send her coupons. So, while out and about, she needn’t worry about forgetting her coupons, because they’re on the phone, which we know, is ALWAYS WITH HER!! She simply hands her phone over to the clerk, who scans it and returns it to her. Voila—coupon scanned, savings realized.
Now, I have never been one to jump on the tech bandwagon—but OMG—I must say, not to have to cut and carry coupons! Priceless! So, while Michael’s is only one of the many store savings you can find, imagine the possibilities?
If you’re lucky enough to sport an IPhone, click on the APP store. Then in the upper right corner, there’s a free button. Click on that and click on GeoCoupons. It will be installed. Then scroll down the list for your favorite shoppping haunts. Any discounts will be listed with bar-coded coupons. Simply hold your phone up to the cashier and they’ll scan it—and you’ll save. No more coupon carriers, clipping or lost coupons. If you have your phone, you have it all!
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