by Mary Fran Bontempo and Chrysa Smith
The Granny Panties bloggers are also good friends. We started this “blogazine” with humor in mind. So, even though we work really hard at this, there are nights, after a long week, when a case of the sillies sets in. This past week was a good example.

All invited to speak at a writer’s conference (Pearl S. Buck Writer’s Conference), we were discussing the opening night festivities. One guest came with the invitation, and I casually threw out that I might see what George Clooney was doing that night. This not only set off a long string of funny emails, but it exposed everyone’s taste in men–well Hollywood men, that is. And every man of choice for us bloggers (except for Colin Firth, who should really protest the exclusion from an organization he should be part of) just happened to be in the very, very funny You Tube video that became fodder for even more funny emails and a very entertaining night. Check out the video and our email banter for yourself….

Chrysa: Hey, that conference event at 7pm on Fri? I’ll plan on going to that. I see that we’re allowed to bring one guest, so I’m thinking about asking George Clooney, but heard he’s got an Italian girlfriend.

Mary Fran: Wait a minute—I wanted dibs on Clooney.

Chrysa: No can do. You have Patrick Dempsey, Carmen has Colin Firth—she claimed him a while ago–I have George (Clooney, that is) and Pat hasn’t made claim to any of the male Hollywood types yet—–????? Maybe Matt Damon?

M.F.: Fine. I’ll take Dempsey. He doesn’t rev my engine like Clooney, but he’ll do. Pat can have Damon, or maybe John Krasinsky?

Chrysa: Something about Clooney—the suave, debonair style. It’s the same with Dean Martin, who I’ve thought was sexy since I was a young girl.

M.F.: Me, too! I always thought Dean Martin was really hot, in an Italian Stallion kind of way. Anybody who sings gets me—love Michael Buble, but he’s a little on the young side. Harry Connick makes me faint. Come to think of it, as far as oldsters go, I also thought Jimmy Stewart was kind of sexy in It’s a Wonderful Life. Ewww…just read that. Now I’m getting weird….

It went on like that for a while, but you get the idea. Conclusion: You’re never too old to fantasize and we fully intend to execute that right to our last breaths.

Now, for a look at some really delicious men (minus Jimmy Kimmel—sorry, Jimmy) check out this video on You Tube. A little long, but well worth the “handsome!”